Resources Blog

Thanks for visiting us in Scotland

We were so pleased to connect with you at the 13th CyTOF Summit in Edinburgh, and we’re looking forward to seeing you in Denver in 2025

On May 3, a day before CYTO®, Standard BioTools™ held the 13th Annual CyTOF Summit in Edinburgh, providing a forum for experts in the CyTOF® flow cytometry and Imaging Mass Cytometry™ communities to meet, exchange ideas and explore exciting new ways CyTOF flow cytometry and tissue imaging are being used to make novel discoveries and shape the future of clinical research.

Standard BioTools speaker at CYTOF Summit 2024

This year’s Summit took place at Dynamic Earth, a beautiful venue that brought together scientific and technical leaders, CyTOF users and researchers from many different fields. We hosted an incredible group of speakers who are pioneering applications leveraging high-dimensional flow cytometry and tissue imaging to empower precise and accurate biomarker identification, therapeutic response prediction and immune cell functionality profiling, among other things.

Standard BioTools speaker at CYTOF Summit 2024

Attendees enjoyed a day filled with talks and workshops that resulted in discussion and collaboration, followed by a private after-hours happy hour tour of Dynamic Earth. Guests got to explore Edinburgh’s only planetarium and experience an interactive journey through space and time on a tour through the galleries, all while networking with like-minded professionals and building lasting connections in the cytometry community.

Then, from May 4–8, we attended the 37th annual Congress of the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry, a premier, inclusive, international conference about the many facets of cytometry science and engineering.

Standard BioTools at CYTOF Summit 2024

We welcomed visitors to our booth, where attendees could undertake an extraordinary virtual reality experience, using IMAXT technology, to adventure into the immune landscape. Guests could walk among different cell types, get up close and personal with a tumor and view spatial analysis in an entirely different light.

We also hosted two exceptional Exhibitor Spotlight Theaters: 

Dr Burks Standard BioTools talk at CYTOF Summit 2024

  • Jared Burks, PhD, Professor and Co-Director of the Flow Cytometry and Cellular Imaging Core Facility at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and Clinton Hupple, Director, Product Line Management, Imaging at Standard BioTools presented Paving New Roads in Mass Cytometry: Harmonizing Multiplex Modalities Together and Introducing a Rapid, High-Throughput Whole Slide Imaging Workflow. Burks discussed ways technologies can work in harmony, pairing suspension and imaging data, to answer larger and more detailed questions, while Hupple gave attendees a glimpse into the future of spatial biology by highlighting new automation, acquisition modes and analysis solutions. If you missed it, watch it here.

Dr Cappione Standard BioTools talk at CYTOF Summit 2024

  • Jennifer Snyder-Cappione, PhD, Assistant Professor of Virology, Immunology & Microbiology at the Boston University School of Medicine and Chair of the Program in Biomedical Sciences (PiBS) Admissions Committee presented Exceptional Resolution of Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines by Mass Cytometry: a Conduit to Address the Inflammation Epidemic and Elucidate the Mechanisms of Immune Response Cessation and Cell Repair. The talk addressed the ability to clearly resolve and identify rare cell populations with functional potential that are important for finding new therapeutic strategies in inflammatory conditions and demonstrated why CyTOF technology is the preferred platform for functional characterization of cell types that express cytokines, phosphorylated proteins and transcription factors. If you missed it, watch it here.

Thanks for attending the CyTOF Summit and CYTO and learning more about how our tools and technologies are being used to advance human health and bring insights at every stage of disease research and treatment. Make sure to save the date for our 14th Annual CyTOF Summit in Denver in 2025!

The Standard BioTools team stands at its CTYOF Summit 2024 booth

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