Area of Interest Infectious Disease Infectious Disease with Mass Cytometry

Infectious Disease 

The role of CyTOF technology in battling infectious disease 

From SARS-CoV-2 to HIV, malaria, S. Typhi, Ebola and smallpox, mass cytometry is driving the understanding of infectious disease and innovation in vaccine development.

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Blue icon illustrating infectious disease application

Uncovering the immunological mechanisms of infection and vaccination 

Investigators working on infectious disease were early adopters of mass cytometry because of its ability to identify immune cell populations with both breadth and depth. Frequently limited sample volumes available for clinical research studies hampered researchers needing to maximize the information gathered from each cell. 

With rapid and repeatable profiling of 50 or more phenotypic and functional markers in a single sample tube without the extra tubes needed to account for fluorescence spillover and without time-consuming genomic analysis, mass cytometry offers a clear advantage over other single-cell technologies.  

Hundreds of publications attest to the positive impact of CyTOF® on infectious disease research. 

When the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic arrived, the high-dimensional power and data quality of mass cytometry was quickly leveraged by immunologists and consortia around the world to help solve for COVID-19 disease and the efficacy of vaccines against the virus and its variants. 


The Maxpar® Direct™ Immune Profiling Assay™: Adoption for use in COVID-19 clinical research  

This dry-format high-parameter mass cytometry panel kit has proven run-to-run and site-to-site reproducibility, is easy to use and can be run with small amounts of either human PBMC or whole blood. The 30-marker backbone panel is expandable, with room to add 14 or more markers. When paired with Maxpar Pathsetter™ software, a detailed analytic report on 37 immune cell populations is ready in 5 minutes or less.  

IMPACC (Immunophenotyping Assessment in a COVID-19 Cohort) Clinical Study (NCT04378777)  

COntAGIous (COVID-19 Advanced Genetic and Immunologic Sampling) Trial (NCT04327570)  

COVID-19: Pediatric Research Immune Network on SARS-CoV-2 and MIS-C (PRISM) (NCT04588363) 

Find out more about this assay kit and automated data analysis solution. 


  • As of August 2021, over 60 peer-reviewed publications and preprints have been published related to COVID-19 research, and at least 12 National Clinical Trials related to the disease or vaccination trials are employing mass cytometry. 

    Mass Cytometry in COVID-19 Research Bibliography  

  • Download the flyer to learn about the advantages of using CyTOF in infectious disease and see how world's most advanced single-cell cytometric technology is speeding up vaccine research efforts.

     Infectious Diseases Flyer  


Mass Cytometry in Vaccine Development

Patrick Reeves, PhD 

Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School   Team Leader, Vaccine and Immunotherapy Center Massachusetts General Hospital 

Revealing the Peculiarities of Immune Cells during COVID-19

Andrea Cossarizza, MD, PhD 

Professor of Immunology and Pathology 
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia School of Medicine and Surgery 

Systems-Level Immune Dynamics from Acute to Recovery Phase of Severe COVID-19 

Petter Brodin, MD, PhD

Associate Professor and Consultant Physician 
Science for Life Laboratory, Karolinska Institutet, and Department of Pediatric Rheumatology 
Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm 

customer stories

Learn more about how our customers are leveraging mass cytometry to gain fresh insights.


Marcelo Sztein, MD

Spotlight MC Marcelo

Research focuses on infection, vaccination in humans

Nadia Roan, PhD

UCSF researcher focuses on immune system responses

Lori Turner, PhD


A quick pivot to COVID-19 research with CyTOF

Benjamin Terrier, MD, PhD


Discovering a hallmark phenotype of COVID-19


  • World AIDS Day

    Nadia Roan, PhD, Professor at UCSF Medical Center and Senior Investigator at Gladstone Institutes, investigates the transmission of the HIV/AIDS virus. Here are some recent articles that showcase her use of Standard BioTools technology in her research.

    Read more

Unless explicitly and expressly stated otherwise, all products are provided for Research Use Only, not for use in diagnostic procedures. Find more information here.